Why Humanity Failed & How We Could Succeed

ON 11/11/2024 AT 04 : 42 PM

, Last updated at: 01/15/2025 AT 08 : 32 PM

Our message to the attendees of COP29.
Underground Habitat Exterior

Humanity not only failed to keep global warming at 1.2°C but has also failed to stop warming at 1.5°C and continues to pump out ever greater amounts of greenhouse gases. The result is catastrophic runaway climate disaster that will cause mass extinction and likely the collapse of our civilization.

There are many reasons that humanity has collectively failed and plenty of blame to go around, but the root cause is culture—our way of thinking, our priorities and social structures. 

Human culture can be very difficult to change. The mental framework for most people is cemented in place during childhood and few adults seem to have the capacity to remake their culture to a significant degree without a better ready-made model to adopt.

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. - R. Buckminster Fuller 

Instead of fighting climate change or trying to prop up our old designed-to-fail civilization, we must create a new model. Survival of the human species will require the development and adoption of an entirely new culture and civilization that is in harmony with nature. Climate migration will provide an opportunity for people to have an option of integration with this new culture and civilization.

Climate Survival Solution is an international organization of scientists, engineers, thinkers and doers dedicated to creating a new culture and civilization and building new climate resilient, carbon-neutral and truly sustainable communities.